Top 3 Web Hosts
Managed Hosting
Before you make a decision about web hosting, it is important to understand the different hosting options you have. Compare managed hosting to other options to determine what would be best for you. This article has information on managed vs dedicated, shared, free, and VPS Hosting.
There are a number of different types of web hosting available for those who are interested in running an online business site. For those concerned with providing good service, and worried about the possibility of traffic issues, managed hosting can be a good option. However, it is important to understand how managed hosting compares with other types of web hosting. Realize that, when you decide to work with a web host, you are basically renting out a home in cyberspace. You pay a fee to use space on someone's server, and that allows others to find you on the Internet. Types of Web HostingFirst of all, it helps to take a look at the other types of web hosting you can choose from. Depending on your concerns and individual situation, a particular type of web hosting might work best for you. Here are some of the most common types of web hosting you might end up with.
These types of web hosting all have various advantages. Many people with ecommerce needs usually avoid the free web hosting services, and some may prefer to avoid the shared web hosting as well, in order to avoid the issues that come with sharing resources with a lot of other web sites. Managed Web HostingManaged web hosting offers an interesting approach to dedicated web hosting. With managed website hosting, you still have your own server, with your own resources, but you are not responsible for its maintenance and probably not its security. You can manage the data on your web site, and there is a great deal of customization possible, but you do not have root access (Linux) or administrator access (Windows). This means you do not have full control over the server. While this might be a problem for some, others see it as an advantage. When the web host maintains the control over the deepest functions, they can guarantee quality of service, and can prevent you from reconfiguring the server in a way that could be disastrous. Many ecommerce businesses find managed web hosting attractive because it provides a way for them to provide a quality web site for customers, while at the same time maintaining security. Many managed hosting packages come with security measures intact, which can add peace of mind. Many of the other maintenance functions also do not have to be taken care of by the user when managed hosting is used. If you are not confident in your abilities to maintain a server and guarantee quality of service and security, managed web hosting can be a good option. You still have your own domain name, and you can still get an ecommerce hosting package, but a lot of the technical details are handled by the web host, instead of you. This can simplify matters and allow you to focus on your business. On the other hand, if you are confident in your company's ability to handle the technical aspects of the server, and maintain it, and you would rather have full control of the server, managed hosting may not be the best fit. Before making the decision, make sure you understand what is offered, and be sure you understand the individual capabilities and needs of your business. Related Article: Unlimited Web Space >> |
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